Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December Reading!

Hello book club friends,

Thank you for sharing so well at our session yesterday!  I loved hearing your questions even if you were not able to make the session!  The conversation was definitely inspiring!!

The winner for getting the best discussion was Jonah followed closely by Zion,  and Johnathon, who could not be there but sent me his discussion criteria!  Congrats Jonah!  You will be receiving your Amazon gift card shortly!

So here is the news for our next meeting, based on voting results:

BOOK:  Raising Dragons by Bryan Davis.  I am pretty sure we have a copy in the physical commons and I have ordered a copy for the e library.  I have also ordered all your requests for the e library!  They should be there in the next month.  If you are not sure how to log onto the new e library let me know and I will help you.

WHEN:  January 16th @1.30pm.  Please let me know if this time does not work for you.  I understand there are some of you who are effected by an hour delay. 

WHERE:  Blackboard Collaborate:
Here is the link to join the classroom:


We might gather for a virtual Christmas party in December,  if you want to bring your favourite read and share with a cuppa hot chocolate;)  Let me know what you think?  This would just be social!!

The competition next time is to make a BOOK TRAILER, or written  book review for our book review project next time.

I hope to host a webinar soon on making a video including a book trailer, but here is a link sharing some ways for making trailers.

Standard Book review. From our book clubbers last year with written book reviews and video trailers!

Video trailer tutorial page.  This teacher librarian takes video trailers to another level.  Last year some of our students made stop motion movies to and there is a webinar I can share with you if you are interested?  Our teen geek squad gave this one recently.

Have an awesome month and see you in cyberspace on the ning, on Skype or Collaborize Classroom or email;)  You can join the ning if you are 13 and older.  Let me know and I will send you an invite to any of these virtual hangouts!

December Christmas getogether

Hi Everyone,

This is just a short reminder that we are coming together for our Christmas chat on December 12th at 1pm.

We will listen to Micah share his making a tutorial book trailer,  and also share a Christmas tradition, and play Pictionary.  We will be done by 2 pm.  Dont forget to bring your ideas for making your video trailer or book review!  See you soon!

Here is the link for the classroom:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November Meeting!

Thank you to all our book club members for the awesome contributions and sharing at our last book club meeting to discuss Farley Mowat's book Owls in the Family. Praise God for literary minds!

 Many of you are now contributing your own forums and having discussions on the Collaborize Classroom.  If you are still not on please let me know and I will send an invite.  Or you can choose to register at the classroom.
I have posted some of the books we might read there for our next session and invite your response on the forum:)

This month we will be reading The Door Within. 

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book at our Blackboard Collaborate session:)
You may be prompted to download some software which may take anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes depending on your Internet connection speed. Join your meeting early if you can.
A microphone and headphones or speakers will allow you to participate fully in the meeting. although from what I hear it is now optional for sound quality.
Visit the Configuration Room and use the Audio Setup Wizard before the meeting to make sure your computer's audio is configured correctly.

Meeting Name: Junior Book Club 2012
Organized By: Pippa Davies

Starts: Nov 21, 2012, [Wed] 03:15 PM Pacific Standard Time
                   (You may join 30 minutes prior)

Ends: Nov 21, 2012, [Wed] 04:30 PM Pacific Standard Time

Participant Link: (to invite others, email them this link)

This month we will have a prize for the best question to elicit the most discussion on our book!!  Looking forward to seeing you all there and sharing in the reading fun!!  Chat on Collaborize or on skype!
Mrs Pippa

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Junior Book club (grade 6-8) Launch 2012/2013

Welcome to Junior Book Club 2012/13

Hello to all book club members for 2012/13.  I am very excited to launch our junior book club for the year and would like to share a little bit about how book club will work :)

When and Where do we meet?  Starting up again in mid October we will meet every 6 weeks on a Wednesday, with the first session  on October 10th @4 pm via Blackboard Collaborate.  We go right through until the end of May 2013.  Sessions last for about an hour..sometimes a little longer.  You will also be sent a link to participate in our Collaborize Classroom which is where we will discuss books and socialize in between meetings!

What do you need?
A good microphone headset, and time to read the books and come to meetings.
A public library card or access to a library to borrow books.  Our E library is also available for reading pleasure. All books are reviewed by myself, and "clubbers",  for suitability and enjoyment for both boys and girls.

On Blackboard Collaborate you may be prompted to download some software which may take anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes depending on your Internet connection speed. Join your meeting early if you can.
A microphone and headphones or speakers will allow you to participate fully in the meeting.
Visit the Configuration Room and use the Audio Setup Wizard before the meeting to make sure your computer's audio is configured correctly.

Please watch the participant tutorial as this will help with set up.

What do we do?  We chat about books, pray for each other and discuss literacy, suggest new books, read and celebrate our creative writing, learn how to write a book review and maybe make a book trailer, and generally get to know each other:)

I want to thank all my previous book club members for blessing me this year with amazing conversation, along with their supportive parents who encouraged them to fulfill their literacy goals.

Book List!

Here is the list of possible reads for next year!  Students will get to vote from this list, and be able to add to it as well for this coming year.  We will start with  Owls in the Family as our first book, and once you have emailed me of your interest you are encouraged to start reading. 

Moby Dick.  Herman Mellville.

Owls in the Family.  Farley Mowat.

The Mistmantle Chronicles

Treasure Island. Robert.  Louis Stevenson.

Mixed Up Tales of Mrs Basil Frankweiler.  El Konigsberg.

Stormbreaker.  Anthony Horowitz

Other books????


We will be using this blog as our launching pad, and I hope all book clubbers will be able to contribute their book reviews or communications via the blog, or Collabrorize Classroom.    All meeting times and updates will be posted to this site.  If you have a student in grade 10, 11, 12  please contact Calvin Johnston  cjohnston@onlineschool.ca.  Calvin is our grade 11 Language arts teacher and we are very blessed to have him this year as a book club moderator!

Have fun reading this year!!

God Bless
Pippa Davies

Friday, March 9, 2012

Next meeting April 18th

Hello Everyone,

It was wonderful catching up with you all,  and hearing Kiara come on for her first time all the way from Athens.  1.30 in the morning is a special time on book club!! Thanks once again to everyone for such awesome sharing!

 I loved hearing how much you enjoyed the books, how you made your book club trailers,  and reviews. It was great to connect and hopefully you can all make the next meeting on April 18th?

To check out the most recent reviews go to our review page

 EragonImage via Wikipedia Our next book club read is Eragon chosen by our poll on Collaborize Classroom.  Please note there are copies of this book in public libraries as well as in our E library.  Those of you who have already read can move on to Alexandria of Africa by Eric Walters,  and if we have time to discuss both we will do so.

Please RSVP to let me know if this time works for you and I will make the link for our classroom.

Many Blessings and Happy spring break!
Mrs Davies
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Where the Red Fern Grows

Hello fellow book clubbers!

It is almost time for our next book club discussion on Wednesday Feb 22, and I am excited to learn what you thought about our read Where the Red Fern Grows

Prizes for our next book club read include make your own book trailer using video or podcast technology?  If you would like to participate and make a video/podcast on the book you have read or the next book read Shadowspinner please let me know ahead of time?

Enjoy the read and chat on Collaborize Classroom!

God Bless and Happy New Year 2012.

Pippa Davies
Teacher librarian HCS
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