Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November Meeting!

Thank you to all our book club members for the awesome contributions and sharing at our last book club meeting to discuss Farley Mowat's book Owls in the Family. Praise God for literary minds!

 Many of you are now contributing your own forums and having discussions on the Collaborize Classroom.  If you are still not on please let me know and I will send an invite.  Or you can choose to register at the classroom.
I have posted some of the books we might read there for our next session and invite your response on the forum:)

This month we will be reading The Door Within. 

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book at our Blackboard Collaborate session:)
You may be prompted to download some software which may take anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes depending on your Internet connection speed. Join your meeting early if you can.
A microphone and headphones or speakers will allow you to participate fully in the meeting. although from what I hear it is now optional for sound quality.
Visit the Configuration Room and use the Audio Setup Wizard before the meeting to make sure your computer's audio is configured correctly.

Meeting Name: Junior Book Club 2012
Organized By: Pippa Davies

Starts: Nov 21, 2012, [Wed] 03:15 PM Pacific Standard Time
                   (You may join 30 minutes prior)

Ends: Nov 21, 2012, [Wed] 04:30 PM Pacific Standard Time

Participant Link: (to invite others, email them this link)

This month we will have a prize for the best question to elicit the most discussion on our book!!  Looking forward to seeing you all there and sharing in the reading fun!!  Chat on Collaborize or on skype!
Mrs Pippa

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