Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Launch date for Junior Book Club

Hello Everyone,

We have a launch date in sight!  November the 1st at 1pm,  is when we will officially start up our group.  I am very excited that we can start reading our first novel and I welcome your sharing on this blog or on our Collaborize classroom.

Our first book is Pilgrim's Progress and the free Ebook is ready for your use:)

Please register on our Collaborize Classroom, and share your thoughts!  I look forward to meeting you there and chatting, as I have posted a question already.  You will need to sign in and then I will approve your membership and you will be good to go!

I look forward to meeting you all online!  So far we have 7 students signed up and I will send out an Elluminate session link soon.

Mrs Pippa


  1. is there room for one or two more latecomers?

  2. Absolutely. Yes please sign up on the registration form. Our fist session will be in November. We are still deciding on a day that works for everyone. Once you have registered I will email you:) Blessings Pippa
